Death record of Perrine Coirier; Died 1714 in Charlesbourg

Media file
Title: Death record of Perrine Coirier; Died 1714 in Charlesbourg
Media type: Photo
Format: jpg
Record ID number
Find in Register: Charlesbourg > 1714 > 9 (image 9). Note: Although the record is seriously damaged, you can make out the given name and part of the surname.
Created at
2021-06-06 03:00:21.000
OBJE:_CLON:_TID: 71459298
OBJE:_CLON:_PID: 46242269222
OBJE:_CLON:_OID: ae12450b-4f7e-453b-b145-9144a7c1a60a
Original text
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
389 1 309 80 Never
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Title Abbreviation Author Publication Individuals Families Media objects Shared notes Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change