Elizabeth Jane Shore

Media file
Title: Elizabeth Jane Shore
Media type: Photo
Format: jpg
Record ID number
Elizabeth "Jane" Shore (c.1445 – c.1527) was one of the many mistresses of King Edward IV of England, the first of the three whom he described respectively as "the merriest, the wiliest, and the holiest harlots" in his realm.[1] She also became a c ourtesan to other noblemen, including Edward's stepson, Thomas Grey, 1st Marquess of Dorset, and William Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings, his close friend and advisor.
Created at
2020-01-31 21:02:10.000
OBJE:_CLON:_TID: 67765016
OBJE:_CLON:_PID: 42172582218
OBJE:_CLON:_OID: 831ede78-ef31-4729-b493-3c2e9234929c
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